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Customs for Tisha B'av

Tisha B'av on Shabbos

Tisha B'av on Shabbos 002


Afternoon of the Eighth of Av

Study of Torah brings joy; therefore, we are restricted in what subjects of Torah we may study on the Ninth of Av. These restrictions begin at midday on the Eighth of Av. When the Ninth of Av falls on Shabbos, the restrictions begin on Shabbos at midday.

Some of the items we may study include the Book of Iyov, Book of Yirmiyahu, Midrash on Eicha, and a section in the Talmud in Perek "Hanizakin," which deals with the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash (pp. 55b-58a), among others.

Chitas (Chumash, Tehillim, and Tanya) should be completed before midday on the Eighth of Av. When the Ninth of Av falls on Shabbos, it should be completed before midday on Shabbos. If one did not manage to finish Chitas before midday, it can be studied until sunset.

The daily Rambam study should be done before midday on the Eighth of Av and after the Ninth of Av. When the Ninth of Av falls on Shabbos, it should be completed before midday on Shabbos.

The study of the laws of Beis Habechirah should be done on the Eighth of Av before midday but can be completed until sunset, similar to Chitas.

Tishah b'Av (Ninth of Av) is considered a festival, and we do not say Tachanun from the afternoon of the Eighth of Av. When the Ninth of Av falls on Shabbos, Tachanun is omitted after midday on Shabbos.

Seudah Hamafsekes (Meal Before the Fast)

The regular meal is eaten before Mincha. Then, Mincha is prayed.

The meal before the fast is called the Seudah Hamafsekes, is the last meal eaten before Tisha B’av.

During the Seudah Hamafsekes, we wash and eat bread.

We sit on the ground on a cloth or on a low stool, like during shiva (mourning period).

It is permissible to wear leather shoes during the Seudah Hamafsekes.

In the Seudah Hamafsekes, one may not eat two different types of food. Fruit and cheese are not considered two kinds.

Alcoholic beverages are not allowed, but coffee or tea are acceptable.

Three men should not eat the Seudah Hamafsekes together to avoid having to say the Birchas Hazimun.

The fast begins at sunset.

At the end of the Seudah Hamafsekes, one should eat an egg with hard bread dipped in ashes. Some have the custom to eat an egg after the meal.

Night of Tishah b'Av

We may not wear leather shoes during all of Tishah b'Av, starting from sunset.

Toward evening, remove leather shoes. Non-leather shoes are permitted.

Remove the Poroiches (curtain before the Holy Ark) and the covers of the Bimah and Amud in Shul. Only use minimal lighting needed for davening (prayer). Nonetheless, the Chazzan lights the usual amount of candles; five for a Chiyuv, and two for a non-Chiyuv.

After Amidah and Kaddish Tiskabel for Mariv, we sit on a low stool and recite Eicha (the Book of Lamentations).

The one leading the recitation of Eicha raises his voice at each of the four chapters.

The last verses of "Hashivenu" are said out loud by the congregation.

It is not our custom to throw berelach (heads of teasel) or similar items. See Sefer Haminhagim for further details.

After Eicha, we say V'Atah Kadosh, Kaddish without Tiskabel, Aleinu, Kaddish Yatom, special mishnayos, and Kaddish d'Rabbanan.

A mourner during shivah is allowed to come to shul during Tishah b'Av, both at night and during the day.

One should not waste time on Tishah b'Av but rather study the sections of Torah that are permissible.

The Rebbe Rashab would learn every Tishah b'Av the Midrash Eicha and the story of Kamtza bar Kamtza from the Talmud (Tractate Gittin, Chapter 5 - "Hanizakin").

The Rebbe said that it is okay to make a Siyum on Tishah b'Av on the tractate Moed Katan, since it is permissible to study Moed Katan on Tishah b'Av.

The mishnayos learned for a Yahrtzeit on Tishah b'Av are either Mishnah in Moed Katan or other items permitted to study during Tishah b'Av.

After midday of Tishah b'Av, regular mishnayos can be studied for a Yahrtzeit.

Our tradition is to sleep on one pillow instead of two (or without a pillow) on the night of Tisha b'Av.

Day of Tishah b'Av

In the morning, we wash only the fingers, as this is sufficient for the Mitzvah of Netilat Yadayim (ritual hand washing). We do not wash the whole hand since that would be pleasurable. The Rebbe explaines that, during Yom Kippur and Tishah b'Av, the tumah (impurity) does not spread more than to the fingers.

Wipe your eyes with the water left over on your fingers after the washing.

In the morning blessings, we do not say the blessing of "She'asa li kol tzarki" since we do not wear leather shoes.

We don't wear Tallis and Tefillin for Schacharis (morning prayers).

During the repetition of the Amidah, the Chazan says an additional beracha "Aneinu," as is done on all fast days.

If the Chazzan forgot to say "Aneinu," he should say it in "Sh’ma Koleinu" or after "Sim Shalom."

No Birchas Kohanim (priestly blessing) in the morning.

After Amidah, we say half Kaddish.

We read from the Torah section "Ki solid bonim" in the portion of "Vo'eschanan" (Devarim 4:25-40).

After the third Aliyah, we recite the Haftorah "Asof asifeim" (Yirmiyahu 8:13-9:23).

Then, we say "Yehallu..." and return the Sefer Torah to the Ark.

Say the entire Kinos.

After Kinos, say "Ashrei" and "Uvo LeTzion." Skip the verse "Va’ani zos brisi."

Then the Chazan says Kaddish Shalem without Tiskabel.

Aleinu and Kaddish Yasom.

The Shir Shel Yom and "Ein Kelokeinu" are recited before Mincha.

Everyone individually should recite Eicha.

On Tishah b'Av, we don't greet one another. If someone does greet you, and they may be offended if you don’t respond, you may nod softly.

Daily Tehillim, Chumash, and Tanya (Chitas), and Laws of Beis Habechirah are all done after midday - before mincha. Daily Rambam - after Tzeis Hakochavim.

Before midday, no work that would divert your mind from the fast may be performed.

Before midday, we don’t prepare for the night meal, and we don’t sit on regular chairs. After midday, you can sit on regular chairs.

The previous Rebbe did not visit the cemetery on Tishah b’Av.

Mincha Tisha B'av

Mincha is scheduled for late afternoon.

Give the value of what you saved on your food bill (because of fasting) for tzedakah before Minchah.

Before Mincha:

  1. Put on Tallis and Tefillin.

  2. Recite the following:

    • All three portions of the Shema.
    • Shir Shel Yom.
    • Ein Kelokeinu.
    • Chitas
    • Laws of Beis Habechirah (for those who studied Beis Habechirah every day of the nine days).

Daven Mincha in Rashi Tefillin.

Order for Michah:

  • “Ashrei”
  • Half Kaddish.
  • Read Torah portion "Vayechal" for a fast day, followed by haftorah.
  • No Kaddish after Torah reading by Mincha.
  • Return the Torah to the Ark.
  • Half Kaddish before the Amida.
  • In the silent amidah say “Nacheim” in the blessing of “Bonei Yerushalayim”.
  • Say "Aneinu" in "Shomea Tefilah".

In repetition of the Amidah, the chazzan says a special blessing for “Aneinu”.

The chazzan says "Nachem" in “Bonei Yerushalayim”.

Chazzan recites Birchas Kohanim.

Kaddish Tiskabel


Kaddish Yasom

Regular mishnayos

Kaddish d'Rabbanan

After Mincha put on Tefillin of Rabbeinu Tam.

Fast concludes with Tzeis Hakochavim.

After Tishah b’Av wash your hands fully, as usual in the morning, without beracha.

Put on your shoes, wash your face, and sanctify the moon (Kiddush Levana).

At night time, no meat and wine are permitted.

We do say Vidui in the Shema before retiring at night.

We do not say a blessing Shehecheyanu (e.g. on a new fruit) until after midday of the 10th of Av.

One needs to wait until midday on the 10th Av to wash clothing or to take a haircut. (When 9th of Av falls on Shabbos, both can be done after the fast is over.)