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משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם- יפה שיחתן של עבדי בתי אבות
- When do we start to say משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם?
- What are the 3 first 3 ברכות of the עמידה?
- What happens in the ברכה ברך עלינו?
- In ארץ ישראל when do we ask for rain?
- In חוץ לארץ when do we start saying ותן טל ומטר לברכה?
- What if you say ותן טל ומטר לברכה when you had to say ותן ברכה?
- If in חו"ל after ז חשון but before Dec. 4/5 you said ותן טל ומטר לברכה?
- The story of finding a match for יצחק is repeated many times, why?
- What is the message of עבדי בתי אבות?
- מוסף on שמיני עצרת.
- Praise of השם.
- There we are making a request from Hashem for our needs.
- ז חשון when the last of the people that were עולה רגל came home.
- 60 days after תקופת תשרי which is Dec. 4-5
- You have to do the עמידה over again.
- You do not have to do עמידה again.
- To tell us that the speech of even our forefathers servants is more beautiful than the Torah of their children.
- That before we can study and grow in Torah we need to have the inherent humility as a servant to his master. As did אליעזר to אברהם.