General Listings
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- How long did יצחק live?
- How long was אברהם supposed to live?
- How much did he actually live?
- Why?
- What was the meal יעקב was cooking for?
- How old was אברהם when יצחק was born?
- How old was יצחק when the twins were born?
- So how old was אברהם when the twins were born?
- How old was עשו at the time אברהם passed away?
- So when did עשו take a wrong turn at the age of?
- What does רש"י explain on ויגדלו הנערים?
- What happened when ויגדלו הנערים?
- What is the problem?
- What is the answer of the דעת זקנים מבעלי התו'?
- What is the problem with this explanation?
- The ספר הבהיר suggests?
- When it בן ששים שנה בלדת אותם
- What is evidence that יצחק spend in גן עדן?
- 180
- 180
- 175
- Because his grandson עשו when off the דרך and השם promised אברהם שיבה טובה so he should not see his grandson עשו going of the דרך
- For his father’s mourning the passing of אברהם.
- 100
- 60
- 160
- Since אברהם passed away at 175 עשו was 15 at אברהם’s passing.
- 15. And that why Hashem took אברהם life early by 5 years so he should not see his grandson go of the דרך.
- 13
- רש"י says that עשו turned to עבודה זרה?
- According to that רש"י it seems that it was 13 when he left but according to the simple meaning it seems like it was 15.
- That the first 2 years עשו was hiding his bad deeds.
- Why did Hashem need to take away אברהם early, he could have hidden עשו behavior from אברהם?
- That after עקידה יצחק spent a few years in גן עדן
- יצחק was 60 from the time he went to גן עדן but if you include the years of גן עדן he was 63.
- He told יעקב that he smelled like גן עדן how would he know what גן עדן smelled like if he was not there.