What question is the Rebbe addressing in this Sicha?
What is the answer of the ירושלמי?
What is the answer of the מדרש?
What is the answer in the קבלה?
What is the question on the first answer?
What is the question on the second answer?
What is the question on the third answer?
The fact that all the זקנים translated as if it was written אלקים ברא בראשית proofs not like any of the answers but?
In addition, it is also surprising?
How do חז"ל explain the פסוק that states על מה אבדה הארץ על עזבם את תורתי?
How do the ב"ח and רבינו יונה explain this?
How do they explain the meaning of אבדה הארץ?
What are the 2 levels in the study of Torah?
With witch level must one start with and how do we know this?
How does the Rebbe explain with this why the Torah begins with a ב?