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Chukas Newsletter

Dear Friend,

In this newsletter you will find a new article entitled “What is Kol Chaim Torah Recordings website?”

Mazel Tov to Chanie Wolosow on her engagement to Naftoli Minkowitz!

Mazel Tov to Levi and Chana’le Wolosow on the upsherin of their son Dov.

Matzal Tov to the Larson and Caras family on the marriage of their children

Mazal Tov the Grey and Ginsburg family on the marriage of their children

You may want to do it in honor of Chanie’s engagement



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Please check out the following Kol Chaim Torah Recordings YouTube videos





Best wishes to our readers for an enjoyable and inspirational Shabbat!

Rabbi Chaim Wolosow

Chabad of Sharon

What is Kol Chaim Torah Recordings website?

The goal of Kol Chaim Torah Recordings is to make some of the vast amount of original Torah sources attractive, easily accessible, and free of charge to anyone wishing to explore it. For ease of use, we are trying to include all of these texts on one website.

We post crisp, large Torah texts along with audio recordings that translate and explain the texts in simple English. It is like having your own personal tutor!

I would like to give you a brief tour to show you how the site is organized and how to navigate to easily find what you are looking for.

First let’s get onto the website by typingwww.torahrecordings.com.

The main page opens up. The center of the main page is where we post our newsletter and other pertinent information.

The left sidebar is for navigation purposes and that is what we will be exploring now. No matter where you are on the website, the sidebar is always there so you can easily navigate and find what you want.

Also, the search box that appears at the top right of every page is a powerful and useful tool to quickly help you find what you’re looking for. You can search in Hebrew or English.

Please keep in mind that this site is only a few months old and we are continuously updating and improving it. Much of the material we already have still needs to be uploaded and organized.

The sidebar currently has 12 headings. I will walk you through one at a time.


The first heading is Contact.

Here you can find our contact information and learn about Chabad of Sharon and Rabbi Chaim Wolosow.


The next heading is Tanach (Torah, Neviim and Kesuvim).

In this section you can find anything that relates to the Tanach. For now we have the following material as they appear in the subheadings:

Torah reading

This section helps one conveniently and easily prepare for Torah and Megilah readings.

In addition, on days (weekdays) when the use of electronic devices is permitted (if your shul permits their use) you can follow the Torah reading from your device.

As you can see on your screen, each page contains:

a. large, crisp text with vowels and trup

b. a link to a corresponding text that has no vowels or trup so you can practice your leining (from Machon Mamere website)

c. an audio recording of the text. If you do not wish to listen to the entire recording you can easily move to any spot on the audio. All audio are MP3 files and with one click you can download the audio file to your computer. You can then play it on your iPod, MP3 player, etc. Currently we have on our website 28 parshiyos and Megilas Esther. We expect to have all of the five chumashim completed shortly.

Chumash with Rashi

This section contains large, clear text of the Chumash with Rashi’s commentary.

The Chumash is broken up by its parshiyos; each parsha is broken up by its aliyos.

On each page after the pasuk we inserted the Rashi for that pasuk in a unique font size and color. For ease of reading and clarity, we broke up Rashi’s text into smaller paragraphs and added punctuation and question marks.

Every parsha comes with an audio recording that translates and explains the pasuk and the Rashi.

Each page contains:

a. large, crisp text with vowels and trup

b. an audio recording of the text. If you do not wish to listen to the entire recording you can easily move to any spot on the audio. All audio are MP3 files and with one click you can download the audio file to your computer. You can then play it on your iPod, MP3 player, etc. We expect to have the entire five Chumashim with Rashi’s commentary on the website shortly.

Neveim (Prophets) with Rashi

Currently there are 15 chapters of Sefer Yehoshua on the website.

Kesuvim (Writings) with Rashi

Currently we have Ruth and Megilas Esther on the website.

Tehillim (Psalms)

We have the Tehillim divided both by chapter and by the day of the month.

You can use this to the say your daily Tehillim from clear, easy-to-read texts.


The next heading is Chitas and Timely.

Some of the files are already on and some are in the works.

In this section we organize the links to take you directly to the unique studies for the day and the week. All pages come with crisp, large texts along with the audio translating and explaining the texts.

This section includes the daily Tanya, Hayom Yom, Chumash reading with Rashi, Tehillim reading for the day, Likutei Sichos for the week’s parsha, the Torah Ohr or Likutei Torah on the parsha, the daily Rambam, and the Daf Yomi,


The next heading is Mishnah and Talmud.

In this section you will find everything relating to the Talmud and the Mishnah.


We currently have on our site the entire Seder Moed with the commentary of the Bartanurah. We also have Mishnayos Brochos, Avos, and some of Yevomos. The entire six books of the Mishnah with the Bartanurah commentary will be available as soon as possible.


We currently have recordings on the following tractates and we are working hard to put them on the site as quickly as possible.

The following is currently available:

Seder Nezikin

We currently have Bava Kama, Bava Metziah, Bava Basra, Sanhedrin, Makos, Shavuos, Avodah zorah and Horiyos.

Seder Nashim

Tractate Sotah

Seder Kodshim

Zevachim and Menochos


The next heading is Halachah.

In this section we have sections of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and the Shulchan Aruch Harav. We will be adding more as time allows.


The next heading is Chasidus.

In this section we have the Tanya, Torah Ohr, Likutei Torah, and the Hayom Yom.


The next heading is Likutei Sichos.

This section currently includes large sections of Likutei Sichos volumes 1–6. Recordings on the Igros will also be available soon.


The next heading is Hagadah Shel Pesach.

In this section we have the entire Hagadah with the Rebbe’s commentary translated and explained.


The next heading is Classes and Lectures.

In this section we have some JLI (Jewish Learning Institute) classes, some weekly parsha classes, talks, lectures, and newsletter articles.


The next heading is Prayer.

All prayers have audio that go along with the text to help the listener accurately pronounce the words and learn the nusach hatfilah.

Currently we have the prayers for the weekday Schacharis, Mincha, and Mariv. People find it convenient to daven by using the pages on website.


The next heading is In Memory.

You can help our work by dedicating an electronic plaque in memory of a loved one for $180 per month for 12 months.


The next heading is Ads.

You can place an ad to partner with us for $180 per month.

For a full display ad on our website, please contact us.

Please check out the following Kol Chaim Torah Recordings YouTube videos




